Do you want to be invited to any of our upcoming
executor, trustee, and/or estate planning social and
educational events?
Here’s How
Each year David Frees and
Douglas Kaune sponsor
a series of events for the
readers of our articles and
for our clients to say thank you.
We appreciate your kindness
in selecting us as your attorneys and for allowing us
to represent your families’ estates and to help in
preparing estate plans to protect you and your heirs.
We also appreciate all of the referrals your friends,
co-workers, professional colleagues, and family members.
And, we know from your questions, that you and many of the
people that you refer need more information about certain
similar topics.
So we have a few up coming events based on your questions
and comments and we’d like to know more so that our winter
and spring events can be customized to your needs.
Upcoming Events:
How Do Estate Auctions Work? – Selling The Family Heirlooms
That Aren’t Really Heirlooms.
Many clients have asked about how
estate auctions really work.
And, over the years we have noticed,
that many families have collected
furniture, art, and other things which,
while holding great financial value,
are not always high in sentimental value.
So, when heirs and executors have distributed the antiques, art
and other personal effects, there are often vary valuable articles
to be sold or liquidated. And, high end auction houses are
one way to maximize value to the heirs and to protect an executor
from liability.
For that reason, we have arranged, through our connections
at one of America’s oldest auction houses, to host a preview
party for our clients who are interested in how high end estate auctions
really work.
If you’re interested in this topic, in attending the event, or in more
information on estate auctions, please leave a comment below of
email me at and mention estate auctions in the
subject line. You can also call 610-933-8069 and asked to be
added to the invitation list for the auction event.
Once you’re on the list you’ll be sure to get an invitation. If you
cannot attend we’ll also be sure to send you additional information
after the event.
Other Possible Events:
1) SeptemberFest – A beer tasting event at the home
of David and Robin Frees.
Last year’s wine tasting event was a huge hit with all who attended.
Every guest received a number of Napa Valley wines to try
and the Frees family hosted an awesome dinner of fish, steaks, and salads.
This year, the SeptemberFest Beer event was canceled due to
the Frees’ Jack Russells who tangled with a rabid
raccoon and the resulting 90 day “quarantine” at the Frees house.

But, next year we plan a September Beer
Event with a local brew master who will
lecture while you taste.
If you’re interested in this purely social
event – no legal lectures -then leave a
comment below, call Lisa at 610-933-8069
or email David at to
be added to the list.
Vote for Your Choice:
In addition to the two above, we’re also considering the following
events. Call, email, or comment below to cast your vote and
to be added to the invitation list.
2) The Estate Tax Law and 2012 -What Happens Now That
Everything You Know About Estate Planning
Might Be Wrong?
This will be a wine and cheese or lunch and learn to
deal with the pending changes at the end of 2012.
3) Free 20 Minute Will Reviews
Hard to imagine lawyers giving away free advice but it’s
true for a limited time and for a limited number of clients.
Throughout the year we sponsor will
review days.
Not sure if your will, trust, or power
of attorney
are still good?
Has a long time passed since
your last update?
You might be fine or you might need an update. These short
appointments are free. Call 610-933-8069 to get on the list.
Have another Suggested Event?
There are 3 ways to let us know and to
get on the guest list for any event suggested
and that we decide to host:
1) Leave a comment below,
2) Call 610-933-8069 and ask for Lisa
3) E mail David Frees at with any
question or event suggestions.
We’ll make sure to add you to
the invitation list for any and all of our
events that you want to suggest and/or attend.